Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 2 - failed to keep my car parked

Today started off well enough. I pumped up the bike tires and greased the chain. Scoffed at the notion of rain as I zipped to work on dry pavement. Then, this afternoon, it downpoured. Thankfully, the rain stopped long before I left work at 6:30. Sailing through the puddles, my fenderless bike sprayed water everywhere. Nearing my condo on the way to Spanish class, I decided I would be overly late. So, I pedaled home and picked up my car. Yet, I still arrived at the hour long class a half hour late. Hopefully, tomorrow my car will stay parked!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 1 as a bicycle commuter

As I coasted down a hill in the chilly morning air, I felt a bit of regret for deciding to park the car this week. My legs weren't very happy about going up the last, long hill to work, either. In fact, I almost didn't go to the RDC dance class after work for dread of the cool air. Yet, I'd been looking forward to it since before Christmas. So, I put on my fleece and made my way toward campus. After feeling completely intimidated by the talented young college students popping and sliding, I walked out after the first RDC class. However, couples dancing caught my eye. At the other end of the hall, rumba lessons! This is Texas Ballroom's free week. If you're non-UT students or staff, this is the week to check out ballroom dancing.  By nine, I was at my hungry point and decided to skip the cha-cha lesson. Beside, my bike needs a little love before tomorrow. The chain should be greased, and the tires pumped.
Today's commuting mileage:
Home to work - 3 miles
Work to UT - 5 miles
UT to home - 2 miles

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Is it possible to travel only by bike in Austin?

I probably shouldn't consider such questions at 11:30 on a Sunday night, as I'm prone to make irrational decisions while dreading the return to work Monday morning. However, I wonder if it's possible to keep my car parked for the next four weeks and bicycle as my main source of transportation? Work is only 3 miles away. Church small group and the Austin's best salsa club are 6 miles. The longest trek would be to church on Sundays--14 miles away. No more double or triple booking my evenings. I'd also miss those rare chances that I could meet friends out for lunch during the work week. Maybe I'll start with a week without driving before challenging myself to four!