Friday, November 9, 2012

Japan Day 5 - Tokyo to Nara!

This morning was dreary with a light drizzle. However, that didn't phase those on bicycles, who rode with one hand and carried an umbrella with the other.

For lunch today, I finally ate udon, a Japanese noodle soup. The udon was delicious! However, I ate too slowly; and, the udon expanded in the broth over time.

Today, my friend Chihiro and I traveled to her parents' home in Nara. For dinner, her mom served us sukiyaki. A hot plate was in the center of the table, on which mushrooms, carrots, chrysanthemum leaves and slices of beef were fried. We used our chopsticks to move fried items from the hot plate to a bowl with raw egg, then ate the tasty mouthfuls.

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